We seek new techniques
while keeping emphasis
on the traditional Kyo-yuzen stlye
of dyeing.
These dyeing techniques, which are a concentration of aesthetics that the Japanese people have long brought, are part of making kimono and its history.
We continue to propose the future of kimono culture and relationship between making kimono and the dyeing factories as been vital.

Kyo-yuzen dyeing
Dyeing techniquesThis method, traditional in Kyoto, has been in existence for 90 years.
It can depict expressive colors on silk.
INDIGO PRINTINGA technique to draw patterns using natural indigo.
It is the first dyeing technique developed by our company.
DYEING SHOWCASEDyeing research notes
LABORATORYWe seek great expressions that nobody has ever done and
try to experiment and verifying difficult materials and new dyes.
Please contact us about the dyeing process that was not realized by other companies.